99 年公務人員普考英文題解分析



The challenging job required a strong, successful, and ______ candidate.

  (A) dynamic (B) divine (C) dual (D) dubious


這個挑戰的工作需要一位強壯,成功和 _____ 的候選人。

  (A) 有活力的 (B) 神聖的 (C) 雙重的 (D) 可疑的 答: A


Mother Teresa _____ her life _____ aiding the sick and the homeless. Her selfless
love has been highly praised by the world.

  (A) regarded…as (B) released …from (C) transformed …into (D) devoted …to


Teresa修女 ____ 她的生命 ____ 鞤助病患和無家可歸的人。她無私的愛被世人高度稱讚。

  (A) 被認為…是 (B) 從…被解放 (C) 轉型…為 (D) 奉獻…致力於 答: D


A: Why is your coat so wet? B: It was _____ when I arrived.

  (A) appealing (B) bleeding (C) dragging (D) pouring


A:你的大衣為什麼這麼的濕?  B:當我抵達時,那時正在 _____。

  (A) 上訴的 (B) 流血 (C) 拉, 拖

(D) 傾盆大雨

答: D


Nowadays, _____ is a much better and wiser means than military force to solve differences or problems between nations.

  (A) negotiation (B) argumentation (C) transportation (D) demonstration


現今,_____ 是一個比軍事武力更好和更聰明的方法去解決國家間的歧異或問題。

  (A) 協商 (B) 爭論 (C) 運輸 (D) 展示、示威 答:A

35 Middle children often feel less important than their older or younger _____.
  (A) generation (B) siblings (C) offspring (D) ancestors


排行在中間的小孩通常會覺得比他們較長或較幼的 _____ 較不重要。

  (A) 世代 (B) 兄弟姊妹  (C) 子孫後代 (D) 祖先 答: B


The police _____ the crime. They wanted to find out who did it so that they could get the criminals.

  (A) committed (B) developed (C) investigated (D) dissolved


警方_____ 這件犯罪案件。他們要找出是誰做的以致他們能夠逮到罪犯。

  (A) 犯下(罪行) (B) 發展 (C) 調查 (D) 分解 答:C


Do you know _____?


(A) what has happened to Martin


(B) who is that man at the door


(C) how can we make our English better


(D) where does he live in America


你知道  _____?

  (A) Martin發生了什麼事

(B) 在門口的那位男士是誰

  (C) 我們如何使我們的英文能更好

(D) 他住在美國哪裡

  答: A

因為主要子句Do you know 是倒裝問句,從屬子句就不能再倒裝;請參見文法書p.112重要規則之3

    Do  you  know  what has happened to Martin?
  助動詞 主詞 動詞 主詞 動詞    
  主要子句 從屬名詞子句      
  (倒裝問句) (敘述句)    



(B) Do you know who that man is at the door?

        主詞 動詞    

(C) Do you know how we can make our English better?

        主詞 助動詞 動詞  

(D) Do you know where he lives in America?

        主詞 動詞    


Owing to human greed, there is little chance of _____ peace in the world.

  (A) thankful (B) permanent (C) sensitive (D) pessimistic


由於人類的貪婪,世界 _____ 的和平機會是很小的。

  (A) 感謝的 (B) 永久的 (C) 敏感的 (D) 悲觀的 答:B

The history of electronic mailing goes all the way back to 1969 when a professor at UCLA sent the first message via computer to a colleague at Stanford. The computer which sent the first message actually crashed right after the message was sent, but the message did reach its __39__ at Stanford. E-mail was born.
Today, e-mail __40__ communication. In 2002, the Internet provider AOL alone reported handling over 42 million e-mails each day. When the number of e-mails worldwide is __41__ to the number of pieces of mail sent each day, you will find that e-mail usage is more than seven times higher than “snail mail” usage. It is not hard to imagine why this is the case since the cost of sending postcards and letters is much higher, __42__ the fact that e-mail is more convenient than having to visit your mailbox or local post office. E-mail messages also beat postal delivery time hands down. __43__ an international letter might take a week or more for delivery, an e-mail can be sent and responded to the same day.

39 (A) adoption (B) summit (C) reception (D) destination
40 (A) monitors (B) dominates (C) exceeds (D) excludes
41 (A) linked (B) added (C) related (D) compared
42 (A) despite (B) except (C) even though (D) not to mention
43 (A) Because (B) If (C) While (D) Though

      電子郵件的歷史要回溯到1969年,那時候有一位美國加州大學(USLA)的教授經由電腦寄了第一封信給Stanford大學的一位同事。那一台寄信的電腦事實上就在寄出信後就壞了,但信是的確送到了在Stanford大學它的 __39__ 。電子郵件誕生了。
今日,電子郵件__40__ 通訊。在2002年,單只一家AOL(American On Line)網路公司就宣稱每天處理了4千2百萬的電子郵件。以每天的全球電子郵件數量和郵寄數量來 __41__
你會發現電子郵件的使用超過傳統實體郵件的7倍。這不難想像情況為什麼會如此,是由於寄送明信片和信件的費用相當高,__42__ 的就是電子郵件比起去妳的郵箱(拿信)或到當地郵局去(寄信)要方便的多了。電子郵件也打敗了郵局的寄送時間。__43__ 一封國際郵件也許要一週或更多的時間寄送,一封電子郵件可以在同日內寄出和得到回覆。

39 (A) 收養 (B) 提出 (C) 接待 (D) 目的地 答: D
40 (A) 監控 (B) 主宰 (C) 超過 (D) 排除 答: B
41 (A) 連接 (B) 加上 (C) 相關 (D) 比較 答: D
42 (A) 儘管 (B) 除了…之外 (C) 即使 (D) 更別提… 答: D
43 (A) 因為 (B) 假如  (C) 當…時候

(D) 雖然

答: C

44. Harry:

Hey, John, you know what? Mike said he spent five days walking across America.

  John: Do you believe it? _____ I don’t believe it at all.

  (A) It’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.
  (B) What a close call!  
  (C) It is but a tall tale.


  (D) Don’t you think it’s a piece of cake?  

  Harry: 嗨,John,你知道嗎?Mike說他花了5天時間徒步橫越美國。

你相信嗎?_____ 我完全不相信。

  (A) 壓倒駱駝的最後一根稻草  (B) 好一個勢均力敵!
  (C) 那只是吹牛 (D) 你不認為那很簡單嗎? 答:C

45. Paul: It’s wonderful to see you here, John, but I’ve lots of work to do. I’d better run.

_____ We really should get together sometime.


Sure. See you soon. I’ll call you.



OK. Bye.

  (A) Nice seeing you again, too.

(B) Please go ahead.

  (C) You deserve it. (D) That’s fantastic.

  Paul: John,在這裡看到你真好,但是我還有很多事情要做。我要走了。

_____ 我們有時候應該要聚一聚。






  (A) 也很高興看到你。 (B) 請忙你的。
  (C) 你應得的。 (D) 太棒了。 答:A



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請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:      

        Do you have trouble picking out a friend’s face among a group of people? There’s a name for your condition: prosopagnosia, or face blindness. The disorder was thought to be exceedingly rare and mainly a result of brain injury. But last month a team of German researchers took the first stab at charting its prevalence, and the results were remarkable. The new study showed that prosopagnosia is highly heritable and surprisingly common, afflicting, in some form, about 1 in 50 people—more than 5 million in the US alone. “That’s huge,” says Dr. Thomas Grüter of the Institute of Human Genetics in Münster. “It was a real surprise.”
Within that group of sufferers, however, the condition varies widely. For the vast majority, the problem is not so much about detecting a face—prosopagnosics can see eyes, noses, and mouths as clearly as anyone else—as it is about recognizing the same set of features when seeing them again. While mild prosopagnosics can train themselves to memorize a limited number of faces, others grapple with identifying family members and, in extreme cases, their own faces. Gaylen Howard, 40, a homemaker in Boulder, Colo., says that when she’s standing in front of a mirror in a crowded restroom, she makes a funny face so that, as she puts it, “I can tell which one is me.”
Most prosopagnosics learn to cope early on. They distinguish people based on cues like hairstyle, voice, or body shape. They shun places where they could unexpectedly run into someone they know. They pretend to be lost in thought while walking down the street. They act friendly to everyone—or to no one. In short, they become expert at masking their dysfunction. “This is probably why the disorder went unnoticed for so long,” says Gruter.

      你在一群人中挑出一位朋友的臉孔有困難嗎?你的情況有一個名稱:臉孔辨識困難症或臉孔辨識盲。這種失調以前是被認為很少,而且主要是由腦部受傷所致。但是上個月有一組德國的研究員首度做了它的分布情況調查,成果顯著。這項新的研究顯示,臉孔辨識困難症有高度的遺傳性而且非常地普遍,約50人中就有1人 – 單在美國就有超過5百萬人受折磨。在Münster市的人類基因研究院(Institute of Human Genetics)的Thomas Grüter博士說:數量真是龐大。
然而,在這些患者中,症狀差異很大。大多數人辨識臉孔並沒有太大的困難 - 臉孔辨識困難症者能夠和一般人一樣能看得到眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴 – 也就是當再看到同一副臉部特徵時會辨認得出來。雖然輕度臉孔辨識困難症者能夠訓練自己去記得一些有限的臉孔,但其他的人辨識親人都有困難,有些極端嚴重的案例,自已的臉孔都辨識困難。Gaylen Howard,40歲,一位居住在科羅拉多州Boulder市的家庭主婦,她說當她在擁擠的洗手間中站在鏡子前,她要做個笑臉,如此這樣,她說:我可以分辨出哪一張臉是我。
大多數的臉孔辨識困難症者很早就學會適應。他們以髮型、聲音或體型當做提示。他們避開那些可能會和熟人不期而遇的地方。他們在街上走時會假裝腦袋放空。他們對每一個人 – 或即使沒有人,都表現出友善。簡而言之,他們成了偽裝他們官能障礙的專家。Gruter說:這也許就是為什麼這種失調被忽略了這麼久的原因。


What is “prosopagnosia?”


(A) A difficulty in recognizing a face seen before.


(B) A failure to detect a face that one has never seen.


(C) A disability to distinguish one facial expression from another.


(D) A blindness that makes people unable to see others’ faces.



  (A) 對於以前看過的臉孔辨識困難。 (B) 不能辨識從來沒有看過的臉孔。
  (C) 不能區別一張和另一張的臉部表情。 (D) 一種眼盲,使得人不能看到別人的臉。
  答: A

47 According to the passage, which of the following is true about prosopagnosia?

(A) It is exceedingly rare.


(B) It affects around one in fifty people.


(C) It is mainly caused by injury in the brains.


(D) It is unlikely to be passed down to one’s children.



  (A) 它很罕見。 (B) 50人中就有1人會有。
  (C) 它主要是由腦部受傷所造成的。 (D) 遺傳到子女不太可能。
  答: B

(The disorder was thought to be exceedingly rare and mainly a result of brain injury.
was thought是過去被動式;是以前這麼被認為,現在已經不是了;所以答案A.C皆錯)

48 Which of the following statements is NOT true?

The condition of people suffering from prosopagnosia varies greatly.

  (B) Most prosopagnosics fail to deal with the disorder throughout their lives.
  (C) A group of German scientists were the first to study the prevalence of prosopagnosia.

Some sufferers of prosopagnosia may not be able to identify their family members.




(A) 這些患有臉孔辨識困難症的人症狀差異很大。


(B) 大多數臉孔辨識困難症患者在他們的生活中都無法應付這種失調。


(C) 一組德國的科學家首度做了臉孔辨識困難症流行情況調查。


(D) 有一些臉孔辨識困難症患者可能無法辨識他們家人。

  答: B

49 What does the word “shun” in the last paragraph mean?
  (A) Visit. (B) Avoid. (C) Adapt to. (D) Deal with.


在最後一段話中 “shun”是甚麼意思?

  (A) 訪問 (B) 避免 (C) 適應 (D) 應付 答:B


What does the sentence “They act friendly to everyone—or to no one” in the last paragraph mean?


They try to please everybody by being nice to them.


They pretend to like everyone but actually like no one.


They attempt to conceal their problem by treating everyone in the same way.

  (D) They seek comfort in making friends with everyone they don’t know.


在最後一段話中“They act friendly to everyone—or to no one” 是甚麼意思?


(A) 他們以對人有善,想要討好每一個人。


(B) 他們假裝喜歡每一個人,但事實上沒有喜歡任何人。


(C) 他們以對待每一個人都是相同的方式企圖去隱藏他們的問題。


(D) 他們和每一個不認識的人交朋友來尋求安慰。

  答: C




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